Our Nature

We live in a world highly influenced by humans, but that was not always the case. Modern humans evolved for tens of millennia as small groups of hunter-gatherers. Our ancestors hunted, fished and gathered plant products before learning to cultivate plants and domesticate animals. This formed our species in ways we do not fully understand.


Cave paintings show that respect for other animals has always been important. Hunting created the first nature reserves and anglers organise to restore rivers. Animal protection organisations were started by people who had gained empathy for companion animals.


Nowadays, humans dominate and harm nature's riches. Yet we all depend on nature for air to breath, clean water, and clement weather to grow crops, not to mention pollination and bio-control of pests. Many of us stay healthy through recreation in nature. We should all learn ways to manage nature well, also to avoid problems like COVID-19. If you enjoy wild foods or just love watching wildlife, you too can help conserve those resources.




Hunters and watchers of wildlife do not always cooperate, but they need to. Conflicts divert attention from threats to all, like climate change. Using renewable resources sustainably is not different from using farmed produce, but often better for conserving nature. As you can read on this site, hunting, farming and other uses of natural resources can be solutions for conservation and the threats from global warming. Fortunately, in the UK, voters agree on the importance of addressing climate change, whatever their politics. However, if blue-green and red-green make politics with hunting, farming and climate change, the future is black. We need to focus together on solutions, based both on technology that creates new livelihoods and on nature itself.


For example, in 2004, an agreement to cooperate was signed in Europe between representatives of government, hunting and bird-watching. There are similar agreements at global level for migratory birds, such as the Saker Falcon. All the groups concerned are prominent among 1300 organisations in our International Union for Conservation of Nature, which represents nature conservation at the United Nations. Our network is run to encourage conservation by all who benefit from wild living resources.